Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Black Carrot Kanji Drink

Black carrots are a rich source of anti oxidants and nutrients.  They are a great anti dote to LDL (bad cholesterol).  Black carrots are appetizing, good for digestion and have vitamin B.  They are rich in calcium, potassium and iron in them.  Black carrot juice is an excellent blood cleanser and it is good for eye sight and blood circulation. Due to its highly fibrous nature, it keeps the alimentary canal clean.  It acts as a moistening agent and tones up the skin.  It is good for treating acne.

Kanji is a popular drink made in the Northern India during the winter and spring as that is when the black carrots are available in the market.  It is a drink with a fermented aroma so everyone does not like it.  It is highly nutritious and is very good for stomach.

I remember I never liked it in the childhood but as time went by I acquired the taste for it.   Kanji should be taken in moderation (not more than two glasses a day) even if you like the taste of it.  It is very simple to make.  Kanji can be preserved only for a week.


6-7 black carrots, 3 liter water, 4 tsp brown mustard seeds (rai), 4 tsp rock salt, 2 tsp red chili powder.


Wash and peel off the carrots.  Cut into pieces lengthwise.
Grind the mustard seeds and mix with salt and red chili powder.
Mix all the ingredients in a glass jar or a terracotta pot but never in a metal pot.
Stir well.  Let it sit in sun for three days.
Shake the jar 5-6 times a day.  It should be ready in 3 days.
Check the taste before serving.
Stir well and pour into a glass with 2-3 pieces of carrots.

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