Friday, 4 October 2013

Yogurt: healthy alternative for dinner

No Indian meal is complete without yogurt.  In North India yogurt is eaten in the form of raita by adding some vegetables and spices.  In South India yogurt is eaten with plain rice as a finishing touch to a spicy meal.  No wonder some wise guy has said India will come to a standstill without yogurt.

An American friend once asked me “Why do Indians eat so much yogurt with their meals?”  My answer was yogurt has a cooling effect after consuming the spicy hot curries and most Indians are vegetarians and yogurt contains the protein and calcium necessary for daily survival.

In India yogurt is consumed from plain to spicy form called Raita.  Raita is a Hindi word derived from Sanskrit meaning sharp or pungent.  Typical Raita is made from cucumber, onion, tomato, potato, carrots or even spinach.  These vegetables are then mixed with roasted and ground cumin, coriander, and brown mustard seeds along with black salt and red pepper.  In Northern India, boondi (tiny balls made from chickpea flour) raita is very popular.  In South India vegetables are boiled and then yogurt is garnished with oil fried mustard seeds, coconut, green chilies and curry leaves.  It is generally eaten with rice and lentil curry. 

Yogurt is popular not just in Indian but other cuisines use yogurt pretty generously too.  For example in the Mediterranean cuisine yogurt is used as a dip while in Africa it is called Amasi which has almost cheesy flavor.  Many cuisines around the world have traditional cultured milk dishes based on yogurt. 

Yogurt's popularity has multiplied in past few decades because researches have found its innumerable health benefits.
Yogurt is nutritionally rich in protein, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and B 12.   It has nutritional benefits beyond those of milk. Lactose intolerant people can sometimes tolerate yogurt better than other dairy products, because the lactose in the milk is converted to glucose and partially fermented to lactic acid, by the bacterial culture.
Yogurt is a valuable health food for both infants and elderly. For children, it is a balanced source of protein, fats, carbohydrates, and minerals. For senior citizens, who usually have more sensitive colons or whose intestines have run out of lactase, yogurt is also a valuable food.  Yogurt may help prevent osteoporosis, reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Yogurt with active cultures helps the gut and may help one feel fuller.
No discussion on yogurt is possible without mentioning the sweet yogurt with fruits sold in the market as ready to eat.  Only problem is those commercial yogurts have white sugar which depress your immune system, contribute to infertility and increased blood glucose levels. 
The best thing would be to make your own yogurt at home and add either cane sugar or honey and eat that for health benefits.  My favorite light dinner is to eat home made yogurt with fruits and nuts and honey.

How to make home made yogurt:

4 cups whole or two percent fat milk, ½ tsp starter yogurt, 1 ½ tbsp milk powder

Bring milk to a boil.  Transfer it to a pan with a lid.  My personal experience is that terracotta pot with a lid makes the best yogurt. Add milk powder to the boiled milk and stir well so no lumps are formed. Allow milk to come to lukewarm to room temperature.  If it is winter let milk come to lukewarm but if it is summer let milk come to room temperature.  Add starter yogurt to the cool milk and stir well with the same spoon. Close the lid tightly and keep it for five to seven hours in a warm place away from draft.  Once yogurt is set, store in refrigerator.

How to make Sweet Yogurt 

2 cups of yogurt, 1 tsp of brown or cane sugar or honey, 1 cup of chopped pineapple, 1 cup of chopped apple, ¼ cup pomegranate seeds, and 10 almonds roasted and chopped into small pieces. (You may add any kind of fresh or frozen berries for added benefits)

Take yogurt in a small bowl add honey or brown sugar and whisk it. Add fruits and almonds and mix well.  Garnish with pomegranate seeds. Enjoy.
 This yogurt with fruits makes a good healthy dessert or you may serve it as an accompaniment to your dinner spread.  If you are into dieting this makes a very filling and healthy alternative.

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