Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Bundt Cake with Fresh Fruits

Every time I bake a bundt cake I think about a scene from a funny movie “My fat Greek wedding”.  Would-be-in laws (American) of a Greek girl (heroine) bring a bundt cake to her home on their first ever visit.   Greek mother and her aunt start to wonder why there is a hole in the cake.  At last they conclude that hole must be for putting a flower vase in it.  Every time I watch this I laugh too hard.

There are probably few people who haven’t heard of bundt cakes. It’s pronounced “bunt” with the “d” being silent. It’s a beautiful ring cake baked in a special bundt pan. The original bundt pans had ridges that gave the cake its classic look

Bundt cakes do not conform to any single recipe; instead their characterizing feature is their shape. A Bundt pan generally has fluted or grooved sides, but its most defining design element is the central tube or "chimney" which leaves a cylindrical hole through the center of the cake. The design means that more of the mixture touches the surface of the pan than in a simple round pan, helping to provide faster and even heat distribution during baking.  The shape is similar to that of the earlier European Gugelhupf or Bundkuchen.

Usually bundt cakes are not decorated.  Either powdered sugar is dusted on the cake or some kind of frosting is drizzled on.  But I have tried the drizzle of white chocolate and cream and decorated with fresh pineapple and pomegranate.  Result was a “Wow” from the family and the guests.  My husband who is the biggest critique of my cooking, said,”This is the best cake you have ever made.”  The best part is I made this without any oil.

Since Thanksgiving is in two days, I think this cake can add to the spread on the Thanksgiving dinner table.

6 eggs, 1 cup of powdered sugar, 1 ½ cup of white flour, 1 ½ tsp of baking powder, 1 tsp of vanilla essence.

Ingredients for topping:
1 cup grated white chocolate, ¼ cup milk, 2 tbsp whipping cream, 2 cup freshly chopped small pineapple pieces, ½ cup pomegranate (peeled and seeded)

Put eggs and sugar in the food processor and beat them on medium speed for 10-12 minutes depending on your food processor.
Add white flour little by little and blend it well again on the medium speed.
Add baking powder and vanilla essence and again beat for one or two minutes.
Grease a bundt pan and pour the mixture in it.  Bake for 35 – 40 minutes on 310 degree F (200degree C). Test if the wooden prick comes clear, turn off the oven. Take it out of the oven and let it cool off for 10-15 minutes before taking it out of the mould...

Method for topping:
On a medium heat, melt the grated chocolate.  As soon as it melts a little, add milk and cream and mix it.  Turn off the flame and drizzle it on the cake...  As soon as it sets, decorate it with pineapple pieces and pomegranate seeds.
If it is too tempting to resist, go ahead and cut a piece.  Sit back and enjoy with a cup of coffee.

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