Sunday, 9 February 2014

Dark Chocolate Truffles

A wise man has rightly said: “Flowers wilt, jewelry tarnishes, and candles burn out…but chocolate doesn’t hang around long enough to get old.”  Hence it is never a sin to indulge in chocolate.  It is Valentine Day around the corner, a perfect time to make your own chocolate truffles.

One wonders why chocolate on Valentine Day.  There are many legends about it.  On February 14, 270 A.D. Roman Emperor Claudius II beheaded a priest named Valentine for performing marriage ceremonies despite the Emperor’s decrees outlawing them.  Another Roman martyr named Valentine was jailed and passed the time by writing love letters to jailor’s daughter, signed “Your Valentine”.  During the Middle Ages, Europeans believed that birds chose their mates each year on February 14.  It is believed that in the 17th century, lovers began exchanging mementos on Saint Valentine Day, perhaps heeding the words of Shakespeare in Hamlet: “Sweets to the Sweet.”

In time though, chocolate made its way to the masses. By the 1800s, the Cadbury Brothers had set up shop in England making and selling chocolate to average citizens. In 1861, Richard Cadbury created the first ever heart-shaped box for Valentine’s Day. Thus, began the common link between chocolate and Valentine’s Day.   Little did he know that he was starting a new tradition?

Another important truth is modern science has linked the chemical phenyl ethylamine in chocolate to feelings of excitement, attraction and even pleasure. Indeed, chocolate and love go hand in hand.

I have made these truffles with dark chocolate but if dark chocolate is bit strong for you, feel free to use semi-sweet milk chocolate to make these truffles.  I have used orange flavor in these truffles.  You may use coffee, strawberry or any other fruity flavor in your truffles.


1 ½ cup grated dark chocolate, 2 tbsp cream, 1 tsp ghee or unsalted butter, ¾ cup roasted and chopped almonds, 1 tbsp orange marmalade

Melt chocolate in a double boiler.  Make sure it is not melted all the way.
In another heavy bottomed pan, add butter (ghee) and cream and warm it till cream starts to make small bubbles from the edges.  Add orange marmalade and stir well.  As soon the marmalade gets blended, add immediately to the semi melted chocolate. Stir it vigorously.
Add chopped almonds and mix it well.
Put in the refrigerator for five minutes.  Rub cooking oil on your palms and make round balls with the chocolate mix.
Place these balls on the parchment paper and put in the refrigerator for an hour or so.
It made 14 chocolate truffles.
 Enjoy with your valentine.

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